How To Tell If You Have A Food Sensitivity

Before I knew the sneaky signs of a food sensitivity, I thought someone would experience intense symptoms like swelling up, throat closing, or swollen, watery eyes. While this can be the case with people who are allergic to certain foods, a food sensitivity can be quite sneaky in how it presents itself.

First, let me explain the difference between an allergy and a sensitivity. A food allergy is when an individual experiences rather severe symptoms (potentially causing a visit to the hospital) when they eat a particular food. A sensitivity on the other hand brings on symptoms that we can mistakenly attribute to other things. For instance, chronic inflammation can be a symptom of a food sensitivity. I have seen many people cut out the food that they have a sensitivity to and they lose “weight.” In reality, their body is healing from internal inflammation and while it may have seemed that they were holding onto excessive weight, it was actually the puffiness that chronic inflammation was causing. Here are a handful of symptoms that can appear in someone who has a sensitivity to a certain type of food:

  • Runny/stuffy nose

  • Headache

  • Excessive mucous

  • Bloating

  • Stomach ache

  • Eczema

  • Acne

  • Dark circles around the eyes

  • Puffy eyes

  • Poor concentration

  • Juvenile and adult hyperactivity

  • Chest congestion

  • Increased heart rate

  • Nausea

I have seen many people who have a healthy lifestyle (exercise, eating healthy food, drinking enough water, etc.) and still experience unwanted symptoms. When we determine if they have a sensitivity to a certain type of food and remove that trigger, their body heals and they no longer experience negative symptoms.

How to determine if you have a sensitivity

I cannot stress enough how crucial it is for your health to determine if you have a food sensitivity. Continuing to consume the trigger food can lead to much more serious issues like leaky gut or immune system disorders. Plus, you will have to live with one of the symptoms above on a daily basis.

There are tests that you can request from your doctor to determine if you have any food sensitivity. There are also additional methods that you can do at home to see if a certain food triggers a reaction. I have listed one of the methods in my FREE Immune System Boosting Guide. Just click the link below to get instant access.

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