What people are saying.

“Working with Madison was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I was at a loss for why my body was not responding to anything I was trying to help it. I ate well, exercised consistently, got enough rest, but still felt awful. I had major fatigue—I felt like I could fall asleep anywhere. Constipation, cramps, and nausea anytime I ate. Bloating at the end of the day. My periods were irregular and would show up months later with severe PMS symptoms. And my mental health was declining fast. THAT WAS ME THEN.

After working with Madison, I can’t believe I used to function day to day like that! She validated everything I felt and offered me tools to support what my body needed to come back into balance. After getting my digestion and adrenals supported, I eat easier and feel energized throughout the day! My periods came back more regular than they have ever been in my entire life. I didn’t know I could feel this good. I cannot recommend Health Never Ceasing enough. It’s changed my life and I’m so thankful.”

Makenna Sones

“When I came to Madison, I had digestive issues that had been with me since birth. Hopeless in this area, I never had any lasting success with anything I tried. Since following the steps she outlined, my system is right on point and has been for weeks. Now running like clockwork, not only have my cravings for sugar and fried foods subsided but so have my mood swings. Even my sleep has improved. When I wake up through the night, my nervous system is calm enough to allow me to put myself back to sleep without having to take an aid. This is huge for me because I’ve had issues with my sleep for at least 20-years. Now firmly in menopause, my hot flashes are better too. One would think that these results would be enough for me to be so grateful for the therapy, and they are. That said, I would be remiss if I left out the biggest win.

During my therapy, I lost someone very dear to me. I stopped therapy and taking my supplements. Moreover, my eating was as minimal as my water intake. As a result, I began to suffer from increasing anxiety that resulted in three minor panic attacks. I had never experienced anything like it. Because the anxiety was worsening, I finally shared my struggle with Madison. She identified that I was, through my diet, perpetually causing inflammation in my body. The resulting inflammation was affecting my ability to harness my emotions. Within a week of making a life change with an all-in dietary approach, I saw my anxiety lessen. That was two months ago. Since then, I have not had anything close to a panic attack, and my anxiety is so minimal it would be difficult to measure. To say this therapy works is a monumental understatement. I’m very grateful, indeed.”

Tammi Lawrence

Before starting my therapy, I had been struggling with severe digestive issues for years. I was reliant on laxatives to use the bathroom. I would have debilitating stomach cramps/digestive pains after meals and would avoid eating sometimes altogether so that I didn’t experience the pain I often faced after a meal.

I saw many doctors and GI specialists and was told repeatedly that they couldn’t find anything wrong with me and that I will probably have to take a laxative for the rest of my life. I felt hopeless and thought I would experience this my entire life and would never be able to feel comfortable and healthy.

I came across Health Never Ceasing, the amazing Madison, on Instagram and thought I might as well give her a try because I had tried everything except holistic medicine. She helped me identify food sensitivities, recommended supplements that were right for ME and what MY body needed, created a health/nutrition plan that was unique to my needs, and the healing I experienced is unreal.

I can proudly say I feel like a brand new person. I am able to use the bathroom regularly and haven’t taken a laxative since before I began my therapy with her! I eat when I’m hungry without fear I will be in pain or sick after! I am so thankful and in awe of her work and recommend her to anyone and everyone! There is always room for improvement, and in our world, with our food industry, I doubt there is anyone that wouldn’t benefit from her services.

Monica Dodge

Before I came to Madison, I was experiencing chronic low energy throughout the day, brain fog, severe adrenal fatigue, burnout, etc. I run two high-level companies so naturally these symptoms made it difficult for me to function. I didn’t have the energy or motivation to finish my work day let alone engage in any fun activities after work. I felt like I had a constant energy leak and nothing was helping to refuel me.

Due to my busy schedule, I didn’t have time to figure out what to eat and what supplements to take to fuel my body well. I felt like I was in a vicious cycle of chronic low energy and adrenal fatigue, but still had the need to perform at a high level in my work.

By the end of our time working together, I could tell a marked difference in how I felt. Madison provided me with supplements and nutritional guidance that restored my energy completely by giving my body the nutrients it needed to thrive again. I now have stable energy throughout the day, sharp mental clarity, and my productivity has increased drastically. Even in times where my businesses are stressful and I am tired, I still feel like I have the energy to keep going. I have been able to add a couple of hours of work to my days just by using the methods Madison taught me and taking the supplements she recommended.

I am so appreciative of the help Madison provided and would highly recommend her services to anyone.

Adam Flores

I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in August 2018 but have suffered from the symptoms since October 2017, my junior year of nursing school. My doctors misdiagnosed me and prescribed me medication that made things 10x worse for months. The pain I dealt with was unbearable, causing me to avoid eating because it seemed any type of food hurt me. I lost 40lbs. Not exactly the way you hope to lose weight. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea 10-15 times a day, blood and mucous in my stool, anemia so bad I had to get a blood transfusion, sudden urge, incontinence, waking up to use the bathroom multiple times throughout the night, C. Difficile (twice!), gas pain, bloating, etc. Whew, just thinking about how I lived before is exhausting.

I was completely overwhelmed by my new normal. It’s not often to have already had five colonoscopies and flexible sigmoidoscopies in your early twenties. In order to feel somewhat okay, I was dependent on steroids, which hurt my adrenals. I used enemas and suppositories in the morning and night. Gas-X was my best friend. I tried four different medications: pills, injections, infusions – one after the other, all failing me. My GI doctor told me I had one more medication I could try, and if that didn’t work, I would need a total proctocolectomy with J-pouch. I was so scared and knew that my only hope to prevent surgery was a holistic way of healing my gut with food.

A family friend referred me to Madison with Health Never Ceasing, and gosh, to say I’m grateful is an understatement. Madison taught me what foods cause inflammation and gave me a list of food sources that would nourish my body. She also recommended supplements to take that were individualized for me. Within the first few weeks, I couldn’t believe how regulated my gut was. I was afraid to say therapy was working for fear of scaring it off. Food wasn’t the enemy anymore. Now I actually enjoy going grocery shopping because I know what ingredients to look for to make my gut happy! I’m also more confident in how to create my plate when eating. The supplements and food recommendations from Madison helped regulate my blood sugar, and now I can sleep peacefully through the night. I don’t have to wake up to use the restroom. Since I started Madison’s therapy, I haven’t taken Gas-X, and I no longer need steroids. I can now enjoy foods that I used to be afraid to eat. I have regular bowel movements, and I’m no longer bleeding. She also helped advocate for me with my doctors. I have continued to implement the daily lifestyle and food changes, and as a result, I don’t have to worry about if there will be a bathroom wherever I go.

Friends and family have commented that they’re so happy I can eat regularly again. I can’t believe that I used to live with such terrible symptoms. Thinking about the past four years compared to how well the past three months have gone with Madison makes me tear up. Thank you, Madison. You’ll never know how much you’ve changed my life!

Ingrid Ramirez

For years I struggled with gut issues. Almost daily I felt nauseous and had constant stomach cramps. Whenever I went places, I was constantly worried about where the bathrooms were. I got to the point where it was starting to affect work, and I would stay home while my wife and kids went out because I was afraid of how my stomach and gut would react. For years I went to the doctors, and all they did was just continue to give me medication after medication. I thought there was no end in sight until I came across Madison’s page on social media. I scheduled my first consultation with her, and she was amazing. After the first month with Madison, I instantly felt a change. My nausea was minimal, and I had no stomach pains. After the second month, I had no issues. I felt like a completely different person. I was starting to go out with my family and friends again. I felt like a new person and was able to enjoy life again. After the third month, my work even started noticing a change in me. I was not worried about having gut issues anymore or becoming sick. Once I completed Madison’s program, I was able to get off all the medications the doctors prescribed me and have not had any setbacks with my gut health. Safe to say Madison helped me get to the root cause of my gut health and helped me get control of my life again. I highly recommend Madison if you are struggling with gut health. She was so helpful and there for me whenever I had a question or concern about how I was feeling.

Jon C.

Before I met with Madison, I was experiencing some of the worst symptoms I have ever faced. I was in constant pain and felt like there was no hope for healing. I was made to feel that these symptoms were normal for me and that I needed to learn to cope with them.

Some of my symptoms included exhaustion, mood irritability, itchiness, stomach cramps each morning, headaches, and diarrhea every day. Coming to Madison was my last resort, and if it were not for her, I would still be experiencing these issues today. She was the first and only one to explain the why behind my symptoms. We dug down to the root of these symptoms, and she gave me a healing plan based on what we found.

Madison helped me understand what reactions were caused by the food I was eating and my emotional tie to some of the foods that were hurting me the worst. Throughout this process, she helped me have a healthy relationship with food. I did not know that I was an emotional eater, and I was so incredibly thankful that I never felt judged or less than for experiencing this.

I cannot begin to thank Madison enough for helping me heal ALL of these symptoms! Not only am I symptom-free, but I also understand my relationship with food and am getting the supplements my body needs. I feel that I can move forward in life with a greater understanding of health of wellness. I cannot recommend her highly enough to anyone struggling with health and wellness. I am forever grateful!

Jade Hafner

Before working with Madison, I was experiencing extreme fatigue, bloating, and cravings which were less than ideal. I decided to work with Madison after a friend recommended her, and I'm SO glad I did! After our sessions together, I can now say I have much more energy and don't have the food cravings I had before! Madison helped me understand what nutrients I needed more of and provided me with a TON of resources and supplements to help my body get back on track. Not only is Madison super knowledgeable, but she is so sweet, caring, and was such a joy to work with. I am so thankful for her and would recommend her to everyone!

Andrea Cook

10/10 would recommend nutritional therapy with Maddie!

Before I started therapy, I felt bad almost 100% of the time. I was always bloated, I had stomach pains, I had minor headaches to full-blown migraines often, and overall felt lethargic and had no energy. After the first month, honestly, I did not see much improvement and was a little discouraged. Maddie reminded me though that healing was not going to happen overnight. I trusted her because she has so much knowledge. She always answered my questions and made amazing recommendations. She also knew how to ask the right questions to help me uncover what is really going on.

The biggest challenge I faced was a busy lifestyle. She worked with me on how to prioritize my health in the midst of chaos. By the end of month two, it was like I was a completely different person. I actually never knew what it felt like to have optimal health. My bloating, stomach pains, and headaches decreased significantly! I just felt healthier overall! I realized how "sick" I have been and how much I never ever want to go back to feeling how I did.

The biggest thing I gained though was knowledge and awareness of my body. I started to be able to identify triggers that would cause bloating or headaches. I feel so confident that on my own now, I can continue to improve my health. I also want to add that Maddie truly does care. She was even more excited about my progress than I was! I cannot say enough great things about her and nutritional therapy. If you are considering it, I promise you, it is worth the investment. You deserve to feel good. Thank you so much, Maddie!

Karlee Ramones

I reluctantly started a session with Madison to focus on my overall wellness, especially in regard to food and nutrition. I didn’t think it would help, not many diets and supplements had in the past.

After working with her, I went from getting just a couple of hours of sleep per night to sleeping through the night, having more natural energy, and feeling sustained from meal to meal. I love snacking, and now I snack because I want to enjoy a treat, not because I feel like I need to snack on something.

Madison helped me change my habits and build a better version of myself.

Devon Emans

“Before I started my therapy with Maddie, I was constantly having issues with my stomach, feeling bloated all the time, constantly dealing with acid reflux, and food was never properly digesting. Within the first 2 weeks of having sessions, I started to feel like a whole new person. I finally felt like my food was being digested properly, and I wasn’t experiencing as much nausea and acid reflux. By the end of our 3-month therapy, I finally felt like I could eat and not have to worry about feeling sick after. I am so satisfied with the treatment Maddie gave me. She was so helpful and patient with me during the whole process!”

Terra Wilcox

I am epileptic, and along with my disability, I also had plenty of other health issues like heart problems and obesity. I decided to seek professional guidance to help me obtain better health through nutrition and was referred to Madison at Health Never Ceasing.

I can sincerely and gladfully say that Madison completely transformed the way I view food and how simply eating what works for my body can make a world of difference in my life.

I was able, through her guidance, to lose an astonishing 15 pounds in the first three weeks and have continued to lose weight. I also no longer have random seizures, my heart palpitations are gone, and I feel energized and have a positive and healthy relationship with food.

Madison was an absolute dream to work with! Her positive, kind, and understanding nature made this entire life change a whole lot easier. I am so glad I’ve had this experience and will gladly continue to reap the benefits of the lessons learned through this therapy. Out of all the different programs and diets I’ve tried, this one actually works because it’s very realistic. This therapy is custom to you and helps to make permanent changes that will last. I can say with complete certainty that I will continue to see a difference in my life.

This has been a remarkable journey that I will continue to tread, knowing that I’m making good choices that not only can I see, but most importantly, feel.

Raquel Inzunza

When I first started seeing Madison, I didn’t have the best relationship with food. I didn’t have the best understanding of all the good food does for me and what my body needed. And the food I was consuming was not very beneficial to my health. I was feeling bloated often, my gut health was not doing very well, and I was losing weight but not in the best way. As I started my sessions, we went through all the big and small parts of my health that were of concern for me and learned how to create healthier eating habits. I learned how to have a better relationship with food and my own body, incorporating better food options that my body could digest, and I learned how to take control of mental health with this as well. I appreciate all Madison has taught me and introducing me to the idea of bio-individuality. I’ve learned to listen to what my body wants and needs while tearing down many ideas I always thought my body needed to be like.

Eva Jimenez

Before meeting with Madison, I was facing a few issues that were affecting the quality of my life. I had low energy throughout the day, taking prescription medication to control severe acid reflux and heartburn, and I had gut issues that made daily life uncomfortable. During the therapy, Madison provided recommendations that were not hard to do, and after a short period of time, my issues quickly began to improve.

Madison was very attentive, thorough, and extremely helpful in providing recommendations as well as following up on how it was going so we could make adjustments if need be. The therapy helped me identify and listen to what I was feeling.

After a few short months of following her recommendations, I now have energy for the day, I haven’t taken the heartburn medication for months, I don’t get heartburn either, and my gut health has improved immensely. If I have a weekend of travel where I don’t eat the best foods, I drop back to her recommendations, and very quickly, it all comes back into alignment. After years of trying to figure it out by self-prescribing supplements and guessing what to eat, her therapy is what I needed along. I couldn’t be happier with the process, information/recommendations, and results of her therapy.

Bill Tibbetts

“When I first contacted Madison, I was feeling very lethargic, low energy level, always nauseous, bowel movement issues, and overall not at 100%. At my first session, I was absolutely amazed by the information she provided me for better gut health and how to feel better after eating. This provided me with immediate results. I’ve been able to drop some weight during this process without that even being the main focus of my therapy. Supporting my digestion has helped me feel good and caused me to shed some weight, which has been a lifelong struggle and nearly impossible for me.

I can’t say enough about the information and education that Madison provided me. Here I am this 57 year old female just being shown now, never before at any of my doctor appointments what I could do to feel better and have a more enjoyable and productive life. I know sometimes people say that they don’t have the money to do something like this…well I beg to differ, you CAN’T not afford to do this. Being educated by someone such as Madison has been a life-changing experience for me and there really aren’t words enough to thank her for all her expertise and nuggets of wisdom she has bestowed upon me.”

Karen Kellingsworth

I have always been a health-conscious person and someone who focuses on clean eating and exercise. Slowly over time, I felt that what I had established for my life was no longer working, and then suddenly, I started to experience severe stomach aches, intestinal pain, and cramping regardless of the time of day or diet.

My sister recommended that I reach out to Madison, and I have no regrets about doing so. Madison walked me through the reasons I might be experiencing my symptoms and broke it down into finding the root cause. She was a great accountability partner while I eliminated foods from my already strict diet and was encouraging while I tried to find a new regimen.

As someone who’d already been fairly healthy and knowledgeable of diet, I found I most needed help finding some supplements to support my system. Madison made recommendations and always followed up regarding how I was feeling and made adjustments as needed. At the end of our time together, I felt so much physical relief with my symptoms back under control, and I felt mental relief knowing that I wasn’t going to be stuck with painful symptoms indefinitely.

I am so appreciative of the help I received and would absolutely recommend her kind services to anyone who’s struggling with finding their way back to health.

Kylie Peery

Before working with Madison, I was struggling with bloating and fatigue after every meal (even the healthy ones), waking up every morning exhausted and losing my energy every afternoon.

Throughout therapy, each one of those things began to diminish. And by the end of therapy, they have continued to be kept at bay. The supplements and food recommendations given by Madison were spot on and exactly what my body needed. I am so thankful to have gone through therapy; I am in a completely different place digestively, energetically, and mentally.

Janelle Johnson

Before I began nutritional therapy with Madison, I was in a rut of eating based on convenience and instant gratification. This led to frequent bouts of nausea after eating, consistent gastrointestinal-related discomfort, and generally feeling "blah." 

Through my work with Health Never Ceasing, I'm so happy that all of those symptoms have been eliminated! I now know how to eat to fuel my body while nourishing my gut. Madison helped me learn how digestion works and what different foods and supplements do to that system. Her guidance and support helped me to make changes in how I shop for groceries, cook, and eat, and I've only experienced positive growth because of those changes! 

I now have more energy, more awareness around food, more tools to help me regulate my body, and I take the time to enjoy eating meals that I know are good for me.

Claire Whitaker