Why proper digestion is crucial to immune health
Our immune system is complex. There are so many moving parts and a lot of time we don’t really think about it until we catch a cold or someone around us gets sick and we are concerned we might come down with something. At that point we start consuming so much Vitamin C that we might as well be an orange. It doesn’t just count to boost our immune system then, but instead we should be supporting it all of the time.
I know what you’re probably wondering… “Does that mean that I have to take Emergen-C every day?” NO! In fact, that little packet of sugar is probably not giving you the amount of nutrients you need to actually support your immune system well. You know what does give you the nutrients you need? Real food.
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
Whole, unrefined, natural, real foods are filled with all that we need. They’ve got vitamins, phytonutrients (contributing specifically to immune health), minerals, and all of the nutrients we need to support our immune system without ever having to tear open a packet of synthetic immune boosters. But the real key to eating all of these nutrient rich foods is our ability to absorb them.
Proper digestion is key to supporting immune health – along with good sleep, proper hydration, and decreased stress. The fact that 80% of the immune system is contained in the gut should tell you how crucial it is! If we are not digesting our food properly, we are not receiving the nutrients we need leading to a weakened immune system and most likely a whole host of other health issues and symptoms.
So, how can we support proper digestion?
We need to make sure we are in a parasympathetic (relaxed) state. When we eat in a sympathetic (stressed) state, we are unable to digest our food properly therefore depriving our bodies of essential nutrients needed from food.
Have a moment of thankfulness before eating
Anticipate our food. Digestion begins in the brain so when we see and smell our food, we are helping our body to prepare for proper digestion.
Chew our food until almost liquefied
Take our time eating
If we do these things to support digestion, we are then supporting our immune health by giving our body the ability to absorb the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. Refined carbohydrates, refined sugars, and processed foods contribute greatly to a decline in immune health and general health overall.
A great rule of thumb to ensure that you are getting all of the vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that you need throughout the day is to add 5 different colors to your plate each meal. You can download my free guide below to give you some inspiration when creating your meals.